Friday, March 23, 2012

A Night of Surprises


I don't know that there is a single word that can describe today.
This morning before rolling out we were informed that we needed to be at the Gamo city hall by 5:30pm so that we could help clean something up. Okay no big deal.
So after a full day's work we pulled up to the city hall and the parking lot was full. We walked in and found the building full of people, decorated with colorful paper chains, with tables full of trays of beautiful food and music playing. The people of Wakabyashi, the town we have been working in, were throwing a surprise party in our honor. And it was a night like no other.
Many people who's homes we had rebuilt got up and shared, telling of the hope that we had brought back. They got up and sang for us, they gave us gifts, and at the end of the night they all lined up with their arms raised and made a tunnel out the door for us to walk through.
It was so incredibility precious. The people whom we had come to serve, that we had come to bless – turned it right around and served and blessed us. I don't know that I have ever been in a room so permeated with the love of God.
And I really wish I could do a better job describing it all, but it was just one of those things that you had to experience.
The love of God is greater far the tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell;
The guilty pair bowed down with care, God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled , and pardoned from his sin

The love God how rich and pure how measureless and strong!
It shall for ever more endure the saints' and angels' song!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a day you've had. Your blog and the pictures helped us see the joy that you and your group have brought. Your blog are so well written, Erin. I am living vicariously through you. You bless me each time I read one. Keep on looking down because you're sitting with God in high places. :)

  3. That's incredible!! What an exciting experience! I can imagine you're making many life-long friendships down there. Praise the Lord!

  4. Erin, I had tears in my eyes reading this and looking at the faces of the precious people you are serving. This is so life-changing for all of you. Glory to God!
