Friday, August 17, 2012



Well I have officially been home for a week now.

It was really difficult to leave Japan.
The last day that I worked/was there a bunch of homeowners stopped by the house just to say goodbye – I felt really special but it made the day rather hard. I realized that I had never had to say goodbye to non-christian people that I may never see again – and that was HARD!

Said goodbyes to the Morigo family Friday morning and then headed out. Had 3 flights (one which ended up being delayed 2 hours), and was awake for approximately 22 hours – but finally made it home. And then broke my record by sleeping in until 1pm Saturday.

This week has been quite challenging. Trying to read adjust to life here and missing everyone super much, and having REALLY bad jet-lag! I still feel a little off even a week later.

I guess that's kind of all....
It looks like the Lord is providing me some work for a few weeks coming up here, and other then that really just seeking what He has next for me.

Thank you all once again to everyone who supported me with prayer while I was gone!
And to everyone still in beautiful Japan – Keep pressing on and finish well!


1 comment:

  1. Keeping you in my prayers girl! Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow. :)
